Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update: Transcontinental Travel, Teething and Everything In Between

I can't believe how long its been since my last post.  It seems like a life time ago!  Hunter and I (God bless him) have worked out a system where I have a few hours of uninterrupted 'me time' on Sundays where I can do things like leisurely update Emerson's Blog, ready my Sunday NYT or someday even  revisit my own blog, Shades of Gray.  The original plan was for me to hit up a coffee shop for a few hours for uninterrupted quiet time.  However, its such a lazy Sunday and its going to be such a crazy week, all I could really bring myself to do was climb the stairs and hole up in my office on the couch.  Baby steps.

So since my last update SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!!!! (Really since last Sunday SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!!!!)  Our most significant adventure has been Emerson's first transcontinental vacation.  She and I decided to visit North Carolina for a quick long weekend about a month ago.  I can not tell you how nervous I was about lugging a baby through 4 airports in the middle of the night across the United States.  I just knew she was going to be exhausted and over stimulated, I was afraid she wouldn't eat, blah blah blah.  To be honest, it was undoubtedly one of the best weekends of her young little life.  It was truly a GRAND ADVENTURE for Miss Emerson.  She relished every single moment.  From the people watching in the airport to snoring through the late night flights to being introduced to her magnificent new nursery at Nana and Granddaddy's house.  We also introduced her to the beach, the porch swing, her great-grandmothers and her aunts and uncles.  You will see there are a gracious plenty of pictures to tell the story that have been uploaded onto her photo album and even some video of her first taste of the ocean.  Turns out a diaper full of sand and salt water is not a super good time.  Who knew?

Last weekend, Hunter and I took Emerson up to the town of  Sundance to spend some time at a slightly higher elevation, see the first glimmer of autumn and ride the ski lift at the resort there.  The. Child. Was. In. Heaven.  This little girl loves to be outdoors like nothing I've ever seen.  The second you get her out the door its like a wave of instant bliss washes over her so you can imagine what it was like for her soaring above the mountain tops looking out over the valleys of Utah for as far as her eyes could see.  Whenever the wind would blow over her or the ski lift would take a steep decline, she would throw her arms out to the sides, tilt her head back, and close her eyes like she was flying.  Its moments like this, when you get to sit back quietly and watch your child discover the beauty of world around her that you experience a quiet and astounding awe the likes of which you have never known.  Its like watching the divine light upon your life like a butterfly visiting a flower.  A moment of subtle stillness and perfection.

Of course,in addition to these periods of grace...  you also have teething.  HA HA HA!  Oh teething.  Yes, In my last post, I mentioned it had begun.  Well, as of YESTERDAY (what, two months later??) we officially have teeth.  TEETH (as in more than one)!  This week she FINALLY cut her two bottom center teeth.  What a horrible and exhausting rite of passage (for all of us).  We have how many more of these to go?  And then they start falling out????? Surely there's a better system.  I'm going to go ahead and call this a design flaw.  I mean, why go through the excruciating process of cutting one tooth at a time when you're too young to drink yourself through it... only to hang onto the teeth for a short few years before someone has to start YANKING THEM OUT so you can go through it AGAIN only to have that lovely experience followed by braces and then cavities and then wisdom teeth (serious design flaw) and then dentures.  I'm sorry but the tooth fairy and her bag of quarters is seriously not nearly enough compensation for this life-long melodrama.  How exhausting!  Anyway, moving on...  Our other grand development this week, in addition to two new razor sharp tools of torture, is that Emerson is now sitting up all by herself, which is pretty exciting.

So... these are the highlights of the past several weeks and I apologize for the delay in updates.  I'm looking forward to this new Sunday ritual and am excited about keeping you up to date on everything new and exciting here in SLC.  Until next week, check out all of the new pictures and VIDEO off to the right hand side.

We love you all so very much!

